The Crucifixion and the Shroud

This is a powerful presentation on the forensics of the Crucifixion and the much disputed Shroud of Turin using all five senses of the body. Discover for yourself what Jesus endured for you, and begin to explore the mysteries of the cloth many believed that he left behind.  See for yourself the mysterious “hidden image of the man of the shroud” which many believe is an actual photograph of Jesus, and learn about the new evidence that scientifically proves that the 1988 Carbon Dating results on the Shroud are not accurate.  This presentation includes a full hands-on exhibit featuring life size images of the shroud and a relic (piece of the shroud)! This has been well received internationally by youth and adult audiences.  More info can be seen at  Due to the graphic nature of this presentation, it might not be appropriate for small children.

Type of Seating Required:   Lecture style rows
Equipment Needed: Projector, very large screen, 5 long tables, and a table for people to pick up a cup on their way in.
Other Requests:  I will need about 2 ½ hours to set up (will arrive around 4:30 -5:00pm, would need to have 2 able bodied people to assist with the assembling the stands for the presentation.


Click below to visit the official website of The Crucifixion and the Shroud!

The Crucifixion and the Shroud

Contact Us To Schedule This Presentation For Your Group!

Presentation Downloads:

Coming Soon!