Things That Make You Go, Huh?

This is a starter to the philosophical/theological mind. This presentation has the participants look at philosophical questions that apply to their faith: Logical Proofs of God’s existence, How can there be evil if God is all good?, What is Time?, and the question of free will – which is at the heart of many of these questions. For the English/Philosophy minded, this presentation will truly be captivating, for the Math/Science minded they might just walk away with a bit of a headache as they will be challenged to think in a whole new way!

Type of Seating Required: Round tables/chairs
Equipment Needed: Projector, large screen, 2 easels with pads, blank white paper on all tables with markers or crayons for an interactive element.
Other Requests:  I will need about 1 hour of set up time.

Contact Us To Schedule This Presentation For Your Group!

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